Enrollment Info

Musicall Advanced Academy for the Performing Arts Enrollment policy is established in accordance with federal and state anti-discrimination laws, Musicall Advanced Academy for the Performing Arts will not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, or disability against a student in its school admission process. 

Enrollment applications will request the student’s name, expected grade level, parent/guardian name, phone number, home address, and email address. Musicall Advanced Academy for the Performing Arts will not collect information pertaining to minority status, racial/ethnic background, gender, social-economic status, or special education identification as part of the application process. Submitted applications will be stamped with the date and time.

Enrollment Procedures

Musicall Advanced Academy for the Performing Arts is accepting applications for future enrollment through the Open Enrollment process.

Supplemental registration periods may be held for the purpose of reaching student capacity. Once the target is attained in each grade level, a wait list will be formed based on the order that applications are received.

Families will be required to submit the following information:

  • One of the following (a photocopy is taken for school records and the original is returned to the parent or guardian).
  • Official birthday certificate or other reliable proof of the pupil’s identity and age, including the pupil’s baptismal certificate, an application for a social security number or original school registration records and an affidavit explaining the inability to provide a copy of the birth certificate.
  • Immunization records
  • Request for release of student records
  • Copy of current IEP (if applicable)
  • Copy of custody papers (if applicable)
  • Consent for medical/dental emergency treatment and medical information form
  • Physical activity consent form
  • Consent for off-campus activities
  • Internet use policy
  • Media release form
  • Signature recognizing school’s rules, procedures and expected behaviors

Additional documentation requested:

  • A recent copy of the student’s transcript or report card from the previous school.
  • Previous records regarding placement in special programs, a copy of your child’s IEP or 504 Plan.
  • Information about any disabilities or special health problems, such as seizures, asthma, heart problems, health care procedures or medications